Singing Guide: Matt Papa

Singing Guide: Matt Papa

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Matt Papa's singing style is unique, characterized by his heartfelt passion and intentional phrasing. One of his main vocal techniques is melody shaping. Simply put, melody shaping is the ability to use a range of different tones to convey meaning and emotion in a song. Understanding how to shape a melody effectively is a vital skill to learn if you want to sing like Matt Papa. It will allow you to truly express the lyrics of the song in a way that resonates with your audience.

As you begin your journey to singing like Matt Papa, it is important to start with the basics. Singing is largely a skill that can be developed through consistent practice over time. Here are some practical tips to help you develop your singing skill:

  • Analyze Your Voice: Take the vocal range test to know your singing range. Knowing your range is crucial in finding the songs that suit your singing voice and avoid straining your voice. Then use the Pitch Accuracy Test to determine and strengthen your pitch accuracy.
  • Breathing: Practice breathing exercises to strengthen your breathing capacity and quality. Farinelli Breathing is an excellent exercise to start with.
  • Warm-up: Always warm up your voice with exercises such as humming and vocal sirens before singing.
  • Voice Registers: Learn about voice registers and their importance in singing to build the foundation for your vocals.
  • Melody Shaping: Study how to shape melodies with the use of techniques such as vibrato and dynamics.
  • Song Selection: Pick songs that suit your voice range and that characteristically require melody shaping, such as Matt Papa's "His Mercy is More" or "It is Finished".

Singing Carrots provides an excellent pitching-training program, where you can enhance your pitch accuracy in a fun and engaging way. In addition, there are many resources on the site to improve your voice quality, such as exercises to develop your Twang and Growling techniques. There's also a helpful article on how to avoid constricting your voice when singing.

Finally, it is essential to understand that singing is not just about proper technique but also about embracing originality in your style. Singing Carrots offers an extensive course on singing for beginners, where you can learn and understand all the concepts discussed above in more detail.

With dedication and continued practice, you can enhance your singing skills and be on your way to singing like Matt Papa.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.